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Puma Classification and Evolution: The Puma is a large, secretive Cat predominantly found in the mountains from southern Canada to thetip of South America. Also commonly knownas the Cougar and the Mountain Lion , Pumas are able to reach larger sizes than some'big' cat individuals butdespite their large sizethey are believed to bemore closely related tosmaller feline species. Due to their extensive distribution, there are 7 subspecies of Puma all of which share similar characteristics but tend to vary slightly in colour and occasionally size. The Puma is thought to be one of the most adaptable felines on the American continents as they are found in a variety of different habitats and unlike numerous Cat species, the Puma has no markings on it's furleading to it's scientific name Felis concolor which means 'cat of one colour'. Puma Anatomy and Appearance: Due to the fact that the majority of Pumas are found in more mountainous regions, they have a thick coat of fur which helps to keep them warm in the freezing winters. Depending on the subspecies and location, the Puma's fur varies in colour from brown-yellow to grey-red, with those individuals found in colder regions being more grey and those found in warmer areas having more of a red tinge to their fur.The Puma is an incredibly powerful predator and has muscular hind legs that are slightly longerand stronger than the front, which makes them more agile whenleaping. The also have enormous paws whichare very large in comparison to their body size. The Puma has large wide-set eyes which not only enable it to see what is ahead of it, but they can also see for some distance around them as well. They have pointed ears and their acute hearing allows them to detect prey even when it is too dark for them to see. Puma Distribution and Habitat : The Puma is found in the mountains throughout South and North America where it inhabits rocky crags and pastures slightly lower down than the slopes than the grazing herbivores . Although these seem to be the Puma's preferred conditions they are extremely adaptable animals that can be found in a variety of habitats including forests, tropical jungle, grasslands and even inmore arid desert regions. However, with expanding Human settlements and land clearance for agriculture, the Puma is being pushed into smaller pockets of it's historically vast range,retreating into more hostile mountain environments that are further away from people. It is widely believed however thatthe Puma's adaptability has been vital in ensuring that it doesn't disappear from the wild forever. Puma Behaviour and Lifestyle : The Puma is a solitary animal with the exception of the time cubs spend with their mother. Pumas patrol large home ranges in search of food which varies from 80 square miles in the summer to 40 in the winter, when the falling snowrestricts access to a number of mountain areas. Some regions can become so hostile that Pumas migrate from the mountain forests and go down into the valleys to escape the worst of the cold. Not only can Pumas easily adapt to different surroundingsbut they are also able to hunt effectively during the day or night. Their strong andmuscular hind legs and large paws mean that the Puma can move about amongst the rocks more quicklyand with greater agility. Pumas are known to make a variety of different sounds particularly when warning another Puma away from their territory and during the matingseason when they are looking for a mate. Puma Interesting Facts and Features : One of the most obvious reasons as to why this large and powerful feline is not classified as one of theworld's 'big' Cats is that Pumas are not able to roar. This is something distinctive to the 'big' Cat family as no other feline is able to do so. The powerful hind legs of the Puma are so muscular that they notonly allow them to pounce on and secure their prey , but they arealso able to leap enormous distances ofup to 20ft. One of the most famous subspecies of Puma is the Florida Panther which is the smallest of the Puma species and also the rarest. Thought to be on the brink of extinction, this endangered animal has more of a red tinge to the fur on it's back along with having a dark spot in the centre.


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